The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology gives 100 people the opportunity to register for the EADV Spring Symposium 2021 at the special cost of EUR 100.
This special offer applies to dermatologists, venereologists, students, residents, EADV members, non-members, etc. who are not otherwise supported to attend the above-mentioned meeting.
Before applying for the EADV Reduced Registration Fee (RRF), please read carefully the below Terms and Conditions, to be aware of applications deadlines, requirements, exclusions, motivation letter details, assignment procedures, etc. and submit your online application form within 21 April 2021.
Terms & Conditions
- The cost of the Reduced Registration Fee (RRF) is EUR 100 and covers the full registration to the event (Full Symposium Ticket).
- Non-members can apply for a RRF, but only once. In order to be eligible to receive it again, they need to apply for an EADV membership from the ongoing year.
- EADV active members (the membership due for 2021 has to be settled before applying for a RRF) are eligible for a RRF on more than one occasion: up to three times without submitting an abstract and more than three times by submitting an abstract. However:
- A RRF applicant is not eligible for one event after the other. This means, for example, that a participant registered as RRF Winner for the 28th EADV Congress in Madrid is not eligible;
- RRF applicants who have been awarded an EADV Grant (e.g. EADV Scholarship, etc.) may not apply for a RRF for the next EADV Congress or Symposium. This means, for example, that a participant registered as Scholarship Winner for the EADV Virtual Congress 2020 is not eligible;
- A candidate applying for more than one grant (e.g. EADV Scholarship, etc.) can be selected only once within the same EADV Congress or Symposium. In addition, a candidate finalising (paying) a RRF can no longer be awarded with another grant for the same event and, therefore, any other application submitted will be automatically cancelled;
- Applicants finalising (paying) a regular registration before applying for a RRF cannot be taken into consideration for a RRF for the same event, since no refund is possible;
- A personal motivation letter in English (5-10 sentences), specifying what are the reasons that are motivating you to attend the event, has to be submitted in order to validate the RRF application.
- Only one application per person might be submitted;
- Block bookings will receive no consideration;
- RRF for successful applicants cannot be paid (sponsored) or managed by companies, institutions, travel agencies or any other Third-Party. In that case, a successful RRF applicant will lose the benefit of the lower registration fee;
- RRF applications must be received strictly by the closing date (deadline published on the website): any late RRF application will not be considered;
- The selection of any eligible RRF application in based on a first come (paid) / first served basis. This means that the available contingent might be sold out before the published deadlines. Please allow sufficient time in order to submit your RRF application;
- The notification of a successful or unsuccessful application will be provided within 15 working days.